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New CMRG Repeater in Pueblo

We now have a CMRG repeater in Pueblo.  Here are the details:
   448.550 (-5)
   Tone: 107.2 Hz (like all other CMRG repeaters
     Antenna: Diamond X-50 at 18’ above ground
    Location: NE of Pueblo on Baculite Mesa. It is at the base of the 960 foot tower that is east of I-25.
    Coverage: north to at least Fountain, east, south , and west don’t know yet.
     This repeater is linked to the VHF system including Cheyenne Mtn, Salida, Badger Mtn, and Raton Pass.

Signal and coverage reports are appreciated.

Thanks to Derek-K0ATV, Rick-KE0GB, and Dave- WA6IFI who worked to make this possible.

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